by Fabio Parasecoli

A lull followed the appetizers.
Resting our exhausted jaws,
we savored the aftertaste
of sassy stoning
and lavish massacres.
The wing sauce smelled of hype:
cool cruisers in a bar,
gym bunnies on the loose,
with bogus business cards.
We seasoned our meal
with plenty of bitchy charm,
in the aloofness of pretension.
Shamans smirked
through algid masks.
We would have swallowed anything,
as long as it screamed style,
for sure the favorite fabric
to patch our yawning wounds.


Fabio Parasecoli is an Associate Professor and Coordinator of Food Studies at the School of Undergraduate Studies for The New School for Public Engagement. He also a Senior Editor of The Inquisitive Eater, and regular contributor to The Huffington Post. 

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