The theme of the Fall 2024 issue of The Inquisitive Eater, is MUNCH. Did you eat it for lunch? Tell us!
This issue of The Inquisitive Eater explores the link between food and sexuality. We are looking for submissions centered on pleasure, taste, and romance.
So… Do cherries remind you of your first love? Do peaches remind you of your partner? What role does food play in your relationships? What unexpected senses does food or cooking evoke? We invite all interpretation of the theme, MUNCH, and encourage writers to push against the theme as well through, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and art. We crave to see what you have to share!
- Poetry: Up to two poems may be submitted for consideration. Please send as a .doc,.docx, or .pdf file.
- Fiction: Please submit one fiction piece at a time. Ideally each fiction submission will fall under 4,000 words. Please send as a .doc,.docx, or .pdf file.
- Nonfiction/Essay: Please submit one nonfiction piece at a time. Ideally each nonfiction submission will fall under 4,000 words. Please send as a .doc,.docx, or .pdf file.
- Visual Art: Up to five works of visual art may be submitted for consideration. Visual art should be sent as a .png, .raw or high-quality .jpeg file.
Deadline for Submissions: November 24th.
Only previously unpublished work will be considered for publication. Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but let us know if your work gets picked up elsewhere. Please wait for a response on your current submission’s status before submitting again. Submissions are accepted and managed through our Submittable page: