sure / but there are variants of course
near endless ways of fusing Land and Sea
Heaven and Earth Inside and Out
I’ve never had the pallet for fine wine
just soup to me / and smoking’s made me sick
in Frankfurt and the Rhine
and even in New England / where
I only longed
to press this little spoon of mine against
the surface of your chowder and
to slurp / obscenely please
Oscar Mardell was born in London and raised in South Wales. He currently lives in Auckland, New Zealand, where he teaches Classics, brews beer, and practices Aikido. His poetry and essays have appeared in a variety of publications, including War, Literature & the Arts, The Literary London Journal, 3:AM Magazine, DIAGRAM, Terse, and Queen Mob’s Teahouse. He is the author of Rex Tremendae from Greying Ghost and Housing Haunted Housing from Death of Workers Whilst Building Skyscrapers.
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