This piece was originally published in The Inquisitive Eater Anthologywhich you can now purchase online.

For the umpteenth indelible
Time must I coax
My intractable mind-
Field my divine afflatus
And status a definite stance
To fit into my linty-tight pants
Or don my new winter dress?
I guess – I must eat less!
                                  to be thin
                                      mauled about
                                            by the wind
                              Be bone cool
                                  as a poor
                                      skinny fool
                                            in a mausoleum!
Don’t segue with me
Sweet slug, though I be.
Tomorrow I’ll have the sagacity
To conquer this endless mendacity
Why, I’ll even pay cash
To unfluff my cute ass
Then, I’ll gallivant about so thin
(With a lonely little chin) and be
Just a fashionable hungry scintilla of me

Kathleen Widdoes has been an actress for many years and has appeared off-Broadway, on Broadway, in Television and Film. At the moment she is a Reggio Student and earning a BA degree at The New School.

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons.

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