
Poet of the Month


My final moments, I figure, will be just like in ‘Citizen Kane’: from the master bedroom of a decaying mansion stuffed with classical sculpture, I’ll stare longingly into some cheap Perzy snow-globe; as it drops from my limp fingers, a single word will fall from my lips. Only it won’t be ‘Rosebud’ but ‘Rarebit’, and some poor reporter will have to wade through centuries of culinary and linguistic history in order to decipher my meaning. 

Welsh Rarebit is not the national dish of Wales – that honour goes to Cawl, a one-pot stew made mostly from leak, lamb, and (strangely enough) potatoes; but Rarebit is the favourite child. In its essential form, it simply consists of melted cheese on a slice of toast – though there are many variations on the theme. And like most British food, Welsh Rarebit is largely flavourless – or, at least its flavours are exceedingly simple. But to criticise it on these grounds is to miss the point entirely: you might as well accuse a painting of being unmusical. British food is not defined by taste, but by texture: the airy/crispy batter of Yorkshire puddings; the chewy/chalky crust on Melton Mowbray porkpies – not to mention the greasy/rubbery/gooey filling within. And Welsh Rarebit is no exception. Its appeal lies in the collision of the crunchiness of a well-toasted piece of bread and the ooziness of melted cheese – the dryness of the one providing the total opposite, and yet the perfect complement, to the semi-liquidity of the other. For which reason, Welsh Rarebit must always be served hot: you cannot make it one day and serve it the next, or else the magic is lost. Why would you anyway, when it takes only minutes to prepare fresh?

My final-moments-fantasy might not be as far-fetched as it sounds. Welsh Rarebit was the favourite meal of William Randolph Hearst – the real-life newspaper mogul on whom Orson Welles based Charles Foster Kane. In The Enchanted Hill Cookbook (1985)– a collection of recipes assembled by the staff of Randolph Castle – Hearst’s son recalled his father’s cooking habits:
lunch would be about 1:30pm, dinner about 8:30 or 9pm, followed by a movie, and if the night would run, as it frequently did, for an hour or so later, the chances were better that even he would be in the kitchen either grabbing a snack of cold meat and cheese for himself, or making a Welsh rarebit for all comers. The latter dish he made with pride and some beer, but whatever the recipe, I know it was a favourite of all those who were fortunate enough to partake of it.
If this seems odd – if the simplicity of Welsh Rarebit feels out of place in the Castle’s lavish dining hall (whose fifty-four foot table, forty upholstered chairs, tapestries, pennants, and guidons, served as the inspiration for Hogwarts’) – let’s not forgot that the napkins there were made of paper, nor that the sauces were served straight from the manufacturers’ bottles. ‘This’, explained Alexander Theroux in Einstein’s Beets (2017), 
was not an economizing feature, but rather a sentimental one. Such informalities reminded the very sentimental Hearst of the early days of the 1870s and 1880s when he came out to this very spot with his mother and father where they picnicked in the open. These were detailed memorials and reminders of his youth.
It was this same sentimentality which Welles sought to capture in ‘Citizen Kane’: ‘Rosebud’, it famously transpires, is the name of the snow-sled which Kane played on as a child – that is, before his bank-appointed guardian began grooming him for life as an American oligarch. Kane’s dying breath, then, is a reminder of the homely comforts denied him in this life and longed for in the next. Did the flesh-and-bone Hearst taste that same reminder in Rarebit?

I do, anyway. Because I grew up in Wales, I was raised on the stuff. I ate it with my mother on weekends and I ate it with my grandmother during the school holidays. I ate it in cafes and, on special occasions, restaurants. Most of all I ate it with Mrs Jones, who minded me at her home after school, and whose culinary repertoire included just two dishes: the first was the bacon butty – another British staple, also unfairly maligned as flavourless (again, flavour is not the point: the butty gains its appeal from the interplay between the dry/elastic white bread roll and the greasy/crunchy half-burnt bacon tucked inside); and the second was Welsh rarebit. I don’t live in Wales anymore, and I haven’t seen Mrs Jones in twenty years, but Rarebit is still – perhaps, especially now – my home-away-from-home, the familiarity that I yearn for when everything around me feels foreign and nightmarish. But Welsh Rarebit, I contend, has something about it which makes even non-Welsh feel homesick for it – something which its doppelganger, Cheese on Toast, does not. 

The first written reference to ‘Welsh Rarebit’ occurs in Hannah Glasse’s The Art of Cookery (1747), where a version of the dish (with mustard) is listed between ‘Scotch Rarebit’ (without mustard) and ‘English Rarebit’ (with wine). But this is a misleading start: ‘Scotch’ and ‘English’ Rarebit don’t appear in earlier cookbooks, and are doubtless just inventions of Glasse’s own; nor is Welsh Rarebit one of several variations on some Ur-Rarebit – Welsh Rarebit is the Ur-Rarebit. And its actual origins lie in a South-Valley version of Caws Pobi(roasted cheese) – one served on bread, and requiring the cheese to be mixed with milk and eggs prior to roasting (under the heat, the cheese softens, the milk steams, and the eggs harden, simultaneously). At some point, someone had the good sense to omit the milk and eggs. ‘Welsh Rabbit’ was the name which the English gave to the result, and it was first written down in 1725 by the poet John Byrom, who wrote in his diary that year:
– Sunday, April 4th: I did not eat of the cold beef, but of Welsh rabbit and stewed cheese […].
– Tuesday, April 6th: I had a scallop shell and Welsh rabbit. […]
– Saturday, May 15th: We had cold veal, a bottle of mountain, I ate rather too heartily of the veal and a Welsh rabbit.
‘Welsh Rarebit’, in other words, is simply a corruption of ‘Welsh Rabbit’ – probably Glasse’s attempt to clear up the confusion inherent in the fact that the dish doesn’t contain any rabbit. So why ‘Rabbit’ in the first place?

A good answer was yielded by Abram Smyth Palmer’s Folk Etymology: a Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions or Words Perverted in Form or Meaning by False Derivation or Mistaken Analogy (1882):
The phrase [Welsh Rabbit] is one of a numerous class of slang expressions – the mock-heroics of the eating-house – in which some common dish or product for which any place or people has a special reputation is called by the name of some more dainty article of food which it is supposed to supersede or equal. Thus a sheep’s head stewed with onions, a dish much affected by the German sugar bakers in the East End of London, is called a German Duck.
‘Welsh Rabbit’, then – like Severn Capon (sole), Yarmouth Capon (red herring), Poor Man’s Goose (liver and potato stew), Weaver’s Beef (sprats), Cape Cod Turkey (codfish), Albany Beef (sturgeon), or Bombay Duck (bummalo fish) –  is simply ironic, a dish named after a delicacy which it patently isn’t. But why ‘Welsh’? How does the inclusion of that awkward designation cause ‘Welsh Rabbit’ to mean something like ‘Not Actual Rabbit’?
I say awkward because the Welsh don’t call themselves ‘Welsh’, nor any cognate of that term  – at least, not when they’re speaking Welsh (which they don’t call ‘Welsh’ either); they call themselves Cymro (sg) or Cymru (pl), and their language Cymraeg – words which descend from ‘kömroɣ’, a (reconstructed) term from late proto-Brythonic meaning something like ‘compatriot’ or ‘fellow-countryman’. Conversely, ‘Wales’ and ‘Welsh’ descend from ‘Walhaz’, a (reconstructed) term from proto-Germanic which descends, in turn, from the name of the tribe known to the Romans (from the writings of Julius Caesar) as the Volcae, and to the Greeks (from those of Strabo and Ptolemy) as Οὐόλκαι. But the speakers of proto-Germanic didn’t really care to distinguish among their neighbours in the South, and applied the term indiscriminately to the inhabitants of all Celtic lands which had been assimilated by the Roman Empire. Hence, ‘Welsh’ and its cognates often bear connotations of ‘non-native’ and ‘foreign’, ‘weird’ and ‘strange’. In Swiss-German, for example, ‘Welsche’ is a pejorative used to describe Swiss speakers of Italian and French; in Polish, ‘Włochy’ is a mild slander towards Vlachs and Romanians. Hence, the English term ‘Welsh Rabbit’ might be understood as something approximating ‘Weird Meat’ – a strange beast consumed by a strange people. But what kind of ‘strange’ are we talking about here?

Beside its own recipe for ‘Welsh Rarebit’ (with milk, mustard, and Worcester sauce), the 1950 edition of The Betty Crocker Cookbook cites a law forbidding the Welsh from eating rabbits caught on the estates of the (English) nobility: unable to hunt the real thing, the Welsh simply melted cheese instead. Here, ‘Welsh Rabbit’ might mean something like ‘the Welsh substitute for the game denied them’. But not just any substitute, mind: ‘Welsh’ has long been used by the English to refer, specifically, to pooror inferior versions. In Francis Grose’s A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (2nd ed. 1788), for example, we find the following entries:
Welch comb: the thumb and four fingers.
Welch fiddle: The itch
Instead of combing their hair, the Welsh just run their hands through their mangy locks; instead of plucking dulcet tones from the violin, the Welsh just scratch their skin; and instead of tucking into a well-stewed rabbit, the Welsh just gnaw on hunks of cheese. On top of this, an old English stereotype holds the Welsh to be a nation of lying schemers; hence, ‘Welsh’ might further connote an inferior substitute which has been fobbed off as the genuine article. But a question remains: why was the phrase applied to a version of Caws Pobi? Surely these landless weirdos weren’t ever cunning enough to get away with serving melted cheese in place of actual rabbit?

Another old English stereotype holds the Welsh to be excessively fond of cheese. On one hand, this doubtless stems from the fact that Wales, from time immemorial, has been a prolific producer of dairy. But what’s interesting, in this respect, is that traditional Welsh cheeses wouldn’t have been very good in Rarebit. Because of the acidic soils in Wales, the milk from its cattle tends to produce soft varieties, and these don’t melt very well; to make Caws Pobi, early Welsh would have had to trade with their neighbours for harder types like Cheddar. On the other hand, calling a dish of melted cheese ‘Welsh Rabbit’ is a joke at the expense of Welsh poverty: well before it became the mark of the gourmand, cheese was synonymous with a cheap fill. Hence, also in Grose, we find the following:
Welch Rabbit: Bread and cheese toasted…The Welch are said to be so remarkably fond of cheese, that in cases of difficulty their midwives apply a piece of toasted cheese to the janua vita to attract and entice the young Taffy, who on smelling it makes most vigorous efforts to come forth.
 ‘[J]anua vita’ is Latin for ‘the gates of life’ – a euphemism for the vagina; and ‘Taffy’ is a (still extant) slang term for a Welsh person – either an anglicisation of the name Dafydd, or a reference to the South-Welsh river Afon Taf. Here, cheese is not just a cunning substitute for rabbit; it is one whose cheapness makes it more attractive to the Welsh than actual rabbit. Welles (who once dismissed ‘Kane’as ‘dollar-book Freud’) used to annoy Hearst by publicly joking that ‘Rosebud’ was the tycoon’s nickname for his wife’s ‘janua vita’; for the bargain-crazy ‘Taffy’, Rarebit would exceed whatever comfort might have been found there.

In fact, the stereotype of the Welsh as excessively fond of cheese runs much deeper than Grose. In A C Merrie Tales (1526), we find the following explanation for why there are no Welsh in heaven:
I fynde wrytten amonge olde gestes, howe God mayde Saynt Peter porter of heuen, and that God of hys goodnes, sone after his passyon, suffered many men to come to the kyngdome of Heuen with small deseruynge; at whiche tyme there was in heuen a great company of Welchemen, whyche with their crakynge and babelynge troubled all the other. Wherfore God sayde to saynte Peter, that he was wery of them, and that he wolde fayne haue them out of heuen. To whome saynte Peter sayd: Good Lorde, I warrente you, that shal be done. Wherfore saynt Peter wente out of heuen gates and cryed wyth a loud voyce Cause bobe, that is as moche to saye as rosted chese, whiche thynge the Welchemen herynge, ranne out of Heuen a great pace. And when Saynt Peter sawe them all out, he sodenly wente into Heuen, and locked the dore, and so sparred all the Welchemen out.
For the Welsh, the comforts of Caws Pobi exceed those enclosed not only within the gates of life, but within the gates of paradise. Their fondness is not merely senseless but altogether ungodly. 

But madness for cheese is only one of a number tropes via which the Welsh have been depicted as an unreasonable people. Elsewhere in English letters, we find Welsh characters speaking gobbledegook, obsessing over quack-astrology, being prone to inexplicable bouts of violence, and getting caught up in circular dialogues and false logic (that is, when we are not busy with our cunning schemes). Fondness for cheese might well be another item on this list, another instance of the same godless irrationality, but it might also be the source: cheese has long been held by folk wisdom to give its eaters crazy dreams. What’s more, there might be something in this. In 2005, the British Cheese Board conducted a weeklong study in which participants ate 20 grams of cheese half an hour before going to bed each night. Each participant was assigned one of seven types of cheese: Stilton, Cheddar, Red Leicester, Brie, Lancashire, or Cheshire. And of those who ate Red Leicester, 83% recorded pleasant dreams, of which 60% were of fond childhood memories (Cheddar often produced dreams about celebrities, while Cheshire usually produced no dreams). But what if you don’t want ‘pleasant’ dreams? What if you want ‘strange’ or ‘Walhaz’ visions? 

Then – according to Literature, at least – you must eat Welsh Rarebit. In Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘Some Words with a Mummy’ (1845), the narrator manages to resuscitate an Egyptian mummy – before engaging it in a conversation about theology, technology, and cough drops; in H.G. Well’s ‘The Man Who Could Work Miracles’ (1898), the protagonist discovers that he is a wizard with unlimited powers – only, he does not inhabit some faraway fantasyland but the familiar streets of suburban London. Both stories begin with characters helping themselves to copious amounts of Welsh Rarebit, and in both stories, Welsh Rarebit functions as a narrative clue, as the sign that everything might have been a dream all along. The understanding here is twofold: first, Welsh Rarebit doesn’t just give us ‘pleasant’ dreams; second, it doesn’t just give us straightforward nightmares either. In a Rarebit dream, Ancient Mummies talk like ordinary people, and regular Londoners turn out to be sorcerers. In a Rarebit dream, things are properly strange – which is to say, strangely normal. 

The difference between Welsh Rarebit and Cheese on Toast, then, is one of ontology. The latter can be positively defined, its existence delineated via recourse to the ingredients actually present in the dish: namely, cheese and toast. For this reason, if you add anything to Cheese on Toast it ceases to be Cheese on Toast, and becomes, say, Cheese and Onions on Toast, or Cheese and Bacon on Toast. Welsh Rarebit (like everything in Wales) has a more ghostly existence, is defined by its shadows, by what is absent: on the one hand, actual rabbit; on the other, Fundamental English Values (or at least, the Values which the English consider Fundamental to their self-identity): moderation, discernment, rationality, godliness, and a hard and fast distinction between native and foreign. This is why you can add anything (except, of course, for actual rabbit) to Welsh Rarebit – beer, mustard, Worcester sauce – and still have Welsh Rarebit.  It’s also what makes so many non-Welsh feel legitimately homesick for its comforts: the dish itself is an uncanny violation of the prescribed distinctions between homely and foreign, familiar and ‘Walhaz’. 

And few have known this better than the great American cartoonist Winsor McCay. On September 10, 1904, McCay began his magnum opus: a comic strip called ‘Dream of the Rarebit Fiend.’ It had no continuity, only a recurring formula: characters would eat Welsh Rarebit before going to bed, and the strip would depict their dreams. Again, these were neither ‘pleasant’ visions, nor straightforward nightmares, but something in between: flying cottages, oversized neighbours, and domestic pests swollen to grotesque proportions. But the most influential of McCay’s visions were his images of giant creatures attacking American metropolises – the precursors to the ‘King Kong’ franchise, and to the entire genre of Japanese monsters known as 怪獣 Kaiju, or ‘Strange Beast’. What made those creatures properly strange? When King Kong ravages a familiar city like New York City, it’s not immediately clear who the monster is. The giant ape from faraway? Or the city which shipped him out in chains and forced him to entertain its elite? In all good Kaiju films, the monster is weirdly familiar, the familiar uncomfortably monstrous. Perhaps it’s a coincidence that their origins lie in ‘Welsh Rabbit’ – the strangest beast of all. Perhaps it’s also a coincidence that McCay was employed – and employed very handsomely – by William Randolph Hearst.

The difference between Welsh Rarebit and Cheese on Toast, then, is one of ontology. The latter can be positively defined, its existence delineated via recourse to the ingredients actually present in the dish: namely, cheese and toast. For this reason, if you add anything to Cheese on Toast it ceases to be Cheese on Toast, and becomes, say, Cheese and Onions on Toast, or Cheese and Bacon on Toast. Welsh Rarebit (like everything in Wales) has a more ghostly existence, is defined by its shadows, by what is absent: on the one hand, actual rabbit; on the other, Fundamental English Values (or at least, the Values which the English consider Fundamental to their self-identity): moderation, discernment, rationality, godliness, and a hard and fast distinction between native and foreign. This is why you can add anything (except, of course, for actual rabbit) to Welsh Rarebit – beer, mustard, Worcester sauce – and still have Welsh Rarebit.  It’s also what makes so many non-Welsh feel legitimately homesick for its comforts: the dish itself is an uncanny violation of the prescribed distinctions between homely and foreign, familiar and ‘Walhaz’. 

And few have known this better than the great American cartoonist Winsor McCay. On September 10, 1904, McCay began his magnum opus: a comic strip called ‘Dream of the Rarebit Fiend.’ It had no continuity, only a recurring formula: characters would eat Welsh Rarebit before going to bed, and the strip would depict their dreams. Again, these were neither ‘pleasant’ visions, nor straightforward nightmares, but something in between: flying cottages, oversized neighbours, and domestic pests swollen to grotesque proportions. But the most influential of McCay’s visions were his images of giant creatures attacking American metropolises – the precursors to the ‘King Kong’ franchise, and to the entire genre of Japanese monsters known as 怪獣 Kaiju, or ‘Strange Beast’. What made those creatures properly strange? When King Kong ravages a familiar city like New York City, it’s not immediately clear who the monster is. The giant ape from faraway? Or the city which shipped him out in chains and forced him to entertain its elite? In all good Kaiju films, the monster is weirdly familiar, the familiar uncomfortably monstrous. Perhaps it’s a coincidence that their origins lie in ‘Welsh Rabbit’ – the strangest beast of all. Perhaps it’s also a coincidence that McCay was employed – and employed very handsomely – by William Randolph Hearst.

Oscar Mardell was born in London and raised in South Wales. He currently lives in Auckland, New Zealand, where he teaches Classics, brews beer, and practices Aikido. His poetry and essays have appeared in a variety of publications, including War, Literature & the ArtsThe Literary London Journal3:AM MagazineDIAGRAMTerse, and Queen Mob’s Teahouse. He is the author of Rex Tremendae from Greying Ghost and Housing Haunted Housing from Death of Workers Whilst Building Skyscrapers.

we sit down on the mat / the one with motorways and highrises and grinning families sprawling over it / and Mrs Tanner does the register / and if you’ve brought food from home you say SAMWICHES / even if it’s a bag of crisps you’ve brought / and if you’ve brought 50p you say FREESCHOOLDINNERS / pass your 50p to Mrs Tanner / she puts it in the envelope / and if you’re not eating until sunset you say RAMADAN / at lunch / if you’re a SAMWICH or a RAMADAN you eat up in the park / or don’t eat / with all the other SAMWICHES and RAMADANS / if you’re a FREESCHOOLDINNER you line up in the hall and take a tray / the colour of an avocado bathroom suite / you wonder what an avocado is / the dinner ladies / Emma’s mum and Llewellyn’s mum / the other Llewellyn / they ladle out the dinner bits / indifferent to the different tray compartments / flakes of their impasto makeup sometimes fall in too / the best days are the days / when it snows / we can all get here pretty easy on foot but the dinnerdriver can’t get the van out the valley when the road’s blocked / school is cancelled altogether / the next best days are the days / when there’s BASKETTI / usually it’s ROASBEEF / translucent slices / of boiled something /  lost verruca socks / with GRAY-V / don’t worry mind there’s always CHOCOLATE CONCRETE / and it always comes with PINKUSTARD / sometimes it’s green / not really for eating either way / just for softening the slab / the first thing what you have to do / before you even looks at your ROASBEEF / is smother all six sides of CHOCOLATE CONCRETE in PINKUSTARD / let it sit / maybe our recipe has extra lime / maybe it’s just stale by the time it gets here from the valley / but no knife / not even the metal knives / while the metal knives last / before the other Llewellyn goes and gets them banned by throwing one at Mrs Tanner / is any match for FREESCHOOLDINNERS CHOCOLATE CONCRETE / not something you can just politely slice away at like some SAMWICH / the only way to cut through CHOCOLATE CONCRETE  / jam a fork in / while the forks last / and TAP TAP TAP against the back end with the salt shaker / a master mason chiselling down the fortress / hit too hard and the whole slab explodes / you end up with a few crumbs on your tray / and everyone else’s brimming full  with  your  CHOCOLATE CONCRETE / make sure the shaker lid is on real tight / people undo them see / chisel with a loose lid and drop whole pillars of salt on your tray / hilarious like / definitely the funniest thing to happen all day / unless it happens to you / do you even like the FREESCHOOLDINNERS CHOCOLATE CONCRETE though / I mean without the salt / not really the question though / is it / sublime indifference to all our tastes / the consistency / the presence / the unshakeable stability / comforting  really / whether you like it or not

Oscar Mardell was born in London and raised in South Wales. He currently lives in Auckland, New Zealand, where he teaches Classics, brews beer, and practices Aikido. His poetry and essays have appeared in a variety of publications, including War, Literature & the ArtsThe Literary London Journal3:AM MagazineDIAGRAMTerse, and Queen Mob’s Teahouse. He is the author of Rex Tremendae from Greying Ghost and Housing Haunted Housing from Death of Workers Whilst Building Skyscrapers.

cause I just bought the cheapest cheese
which happened to be a blue brie
in the shape of some stupid heart

cause when they asked you
does it remind you of home
you kindly pointed out
that blue brie’s not a thing there and
the heart shape is for Neufchâtel
where farm girls fell for foreign soldiers
in the Hundred Years War

your family keeps one in the cave
in memory of your grandma who
was born in Neufchâtel

the soft bloomy rind and
that distinctive mushroom flavour
which you don’t really like you say
not as much as blue brie anyway

Oscar Mardell was born in London and raised in South Wales. He currently lives in Auckland, New Zealand, where he teaches Classics, brews beer, and practices Aikido. His poetry and essays have appeared in a variety of publications, including War, Literature & the ArtsThe Literary London Journal3:AM MagazineDIAGRAMTerse, and Queen Mob’s Teahouse. He is the author of Rex Tremendae from Greying Ghost and Housing Haunted Housing from Death of Workers Whilst Building Skyscrapers.

sure / but there are variants of course
near endless ways of fusing Land and Sea
Heaven and Earth Inside and Out
I’ve never had the pallet for fine wine
just soup to me / and smoking’s made me sick
in Frankfurt and the Rhine
and even in New England / where
I only longed

to press this little spoon of mine against 
the surface of your chowder and
to slurp / obscenely please

Oscar Mardell was born in London and raised in South Wales. He currently lives in Auckland, New Zealand, where he teaches Classics, brews beer, and practices Aikido. His poetry and essays have appeared in a variety of publications, including War, Literature & the Arts, The Literary London Journal, 3:AM Magazine, DIAGRAM, Terse, and Queen Mob’s Teahouse. He is the author of Rex Tremendae from Greying Ghost and Housing Haunted Housing from Death of Workers Whilst Building Skyscrapers.

“The sun set in the sea; the same odd sun
rose from the sea,
and there was one of it and one of me.”

A long-since rescued Robinson Crusoe speaks these lines—recounting the rituals of his island, after his shipwreck—not in Dafoe’s novel, but in an Elizabeth Bishop poem called, “Crusoe in England.” 
In the poem, a world-weary Crusoe finds himself on the other side of his adventures, living in relative comfort and boredom (bordering despondency) on “another island/that doesn’t seem like one.” There, the local museum has asked him to donate the scarce remaining items from his time as a castaway—humble effects, once critical to his survival: “goatskin trousers,” “shriveled shoes” and a knife that “reeked of meaning like a crucifix.” Though he certainly understands that his life and his experiences are a natural source of vicarious excitement and fascination for museum-goers, this survivor unmoored once again by the fact of his survival, cannot help but wonder: “how can anyone want such things?” 

This question—which seems at once, to indict the voyeurism that accompanies calamity and to diminish the significance of the heroic and extraordinary details of the personal life, caged in its relics—is at the heart of much of Bishop’s work and process.

Her own life was shaped by frequent disaster; yet, it is rare to find anything akin to autobiography in Bishop’s poems. Her father died when she was only an infant, her mother was permanently committed to an asylum by the time she was five, parentless, she spent the remainder of her childhood (and seemingly her entire life) displaced from any coherent notion of home. However, these grim details never explicitly surface in her poems—it is as though she must have always been asking of the impulse to write about her many sources of anguish: “how can anyone want such things?”

Rather, she devoted her poetic imagination to the deceivingly ordinary and impersonal things of this world—questions about travel, a caught fish, an almanac—deriving from them the profundity of insight and meaning that readers often turn to the lived experiences of memoir and biography to find. For all their characteristic detachment, her poems never register as journalistically or anthropologically removed; alternatively, even her most minor poems seem—by an alchemy belonging only to her—to be infused with vital warmth and uncanny familiarity.

For instance, she gives us Crusoe—a fictional character, infamously mistaken for true, and exported from another writer’s novel—that lives, first in the wreckage of his ship, alone and always dreaming of other islands; then, in the wreckage of his own survival, with only a small handful of items that seem to confirm, with their presence, the totality of all that he has lost; Crusoe, who comments on his own circumstance, saying: 

“I often gave way to self-pity.
“Do I deserve this? I suppose I must.
I wouldn’t be here otherwise. Was there   
a moment when I actually chose this?
I don’t remember, but there could have been.”   
What’s wrong about self-pity, anyway?
With my legs dangling down familiarly   
over a crater’s edge, I told myself
“Pity should begin at home.” So the more   
pity I felt, the more I felt at home.”


By the time I came to my life, my family’s traditions, talismans and rituals had all been thoroughly established. When I was younger, I mistakenly and naïvely assumed that this was true for most people. However, a few years ago, I was having a conversation with a friend who explained that he feels he has inherited nothing—no grandfather’s pocket watch, no religion, no increasingly foreign language, no rites of passage that extend beyond the succession of his surname—and that he is, therefore, always on the lookout for things that he could, one day, “pass down.” I couldn’t help but feel somewhat envious. 

My father was a deacon at our local parish. He baptized both my brother and I and administered my first holy communion. While it is common for many families to say grace before meals, prayer in our house was far from typical: we had homemade booklets (not unlike chapbooks) replete with prayers and songs to be read and sung on each and every night of Advent, Wigilia and Christmas; with holy water and incense he blessed our home as my brother and I would compose the initials of the three Magi above our doorframes during Koleda, the feast of the epiphany; and during holy week, pysanky were gingerly painted, lambs were sculpted out of cake and butter, and we spent consecutive days in church—helping him, behind the scenes— that would ultimately culminate in the epic Easter vigil, a uniquely long mass that would begin with my father singing “The Exsultet” to the hordes of gathered faithful from his wheelchair. 

Needless to say, the rituals of Catholicism—and more particularly, the many specific ways in which they are intermingled with my father’s Polish heritage and my mother’s Irish heritage—loom large in my memory and imagination. However, we did have secular traditions, too; and many of these involved food. 


My parents traveled quite a lot in my infancy. Together, they owned a company called Whole Person Tours—a travel agency that specifically served Americans with disabilities and uninhibited ambitions to travel abroad. Though already remarkable in its aim, their decision to provide this service in the 80’s—even before the Americans with Disabilities Act had been signed—is even more so. I love imagining the things that they saw together and allowed others to see. I suspect they had many an incredible meal. Yet, for all of their more exotic adventures, their own honeymoon was spent more humbly in Colonial Williamsburg. It was there that they would come to taste, for the first time: King’s Arms Tavern Peanut Soup. 

The 1971 edition of The Williamsburg Cookbook, from which my family would reproduce this recipe, says little about the soup’s origins—only that: “Brazil is the native home of the peanut, the ‘ground nut’ that sailed with Portuguese explorers to Africa;” therefore, my assumption is that our soup is likely a variation on a much more traditional West African soup. In this iteration, its only ingredients are: onion, celery, vegetable stock, heavy cream and peanut butter. It requires that the onions be slowly simmered in butter until they are brown; that the ingredients be stirred vigorously or blended together once the peanut butter is added, and that it be served alongside finely diced peanuts and dried slices of bread called, “sippets.” It does not require much effort or time and the result is both extremely decadent and comforting. 

Peanut soup was a regular fixture of our annual Thanksgiving dinner. To this day, it is my favorite part of the meal. This past November, for the first time in my life, I endeavored to be the one to make it. And in short, I was afraid.

I wasn’t so much anxious that I’d fail at making the soup or that I’d burn the sippets. As I mentioned before, it’s really quite an easy dish to prepare and my talented wife—a professional cook and baker—would be alongside me to repair any damage I might cause. Rather, I was terrified that what I made would fail to satisfy the myriad implicit demands we make of our relics. Without explicitly being able to explain to myself why, I felt that this soup—if it was going to be made correctly—had to do more than be made accurately. Instead, it would have to nourish and satisfy my nostalgia; it would have to, in its own brief and limited way, transform my kitchen into my parents’; it would have to be able to teleport my senses from Thanksgiving 2019 to Thanksgiving 1987 and to every subsequent celebration in between—it would have to do all of this and so much more, because it has survived. 

I am not a Catholic. My father has been dead for 21 years. My brother and I are estranged. Though I am lucky that my mother would be able to taste the soup that evening, and tell me how it came out, every other seat at my table was occupied by a person different from the ones I seat at the table in my memories of this meal. Peanut soup, for better or for worse, is numbered among the flotsam of my life and in my making of it, I knew I had to honor it as such.

However, I could not help but be reminded of Elizabeth Bishop and Robinson Crusoe. I found myself asking why we continue to make demands of things to which we are already indebted for our survival; things that with us, have too survived? On the one hand, I can understand the impulse to keep such things as a means of providing the self and future generations with a sense of heritage. On the other, I can conceive of how the presence of those things that persist in the wake of so much loss, might prompt a person to desire abandoning these emblems of their painful past; to ask, dismissively: “how can anyone want such things?” Yet, in making the soup, I came to consider how ritualistically watching the sun set and rise from the sea must have immured Crusoe in the history and memory of his wreck; but how, in the risen sun’s persistent “odd”-ness—both its strangeness and its solitude— Crusoe also learned to recognize himself and his place in the universe. 

For as long as the sun continues to rise and set on Thanksgiving day, I will continue with some degree of self pity to serve peanut soup at my table; and the more pity I feel, the more I will feel at home.

Aleksander Zywicki is a first-year MFA candidate at The New School. He teaches AP English Literature in Bayonne, New Jersey. He lives & writes in Jersey City.

In the name of the forehead
& of the sternum & of the left
& right shoulders, respectively;

& sometimes improvised
with lips at the end & a pinch 
of nothing held to the sky;

& sometimes mirrored,
the Shape drawn in plumes
of smoke & ceremony;

& sometimes twitched 
over & again, a compulsion 
to ward off tragedy.

“Dialing god,” they called 
it when they taught me—
“crossing yourself,”

as though upon a tightrope
strung between 
the common tongue

& prayer, we walk; 
to “bless”—the body
as with a spell,

an alchemy not 
otherwise afforded 
to such ordinary hands. 

Whatever it is called,
it is always Easter 
in the picture where

my dead father has risen
his arm to flesh in gesture 
the wrenching Christ 

above our table &
my eyes like wounds
are always opened 

as if with dreadful secrecy 
I had witnessed blood 
dripping into the food.

Aleksander Zywicki is a first-year MFA candidate at The New School. He teaches AP English Literature in Bayonne, New Jersey. He lives & writes in Jersey City.

What you all along have known, 
I now, too—all these years,
I have felt around its prophet’s
mouth, looking for its tooth.

You would speak its tongue;
you would mock its sound; 
with its own key you would unlock 
translations of its most sacred songs
lending bone, breath & artery
to its ghost, clothing in part 
memory/part fantasy the marbled 
floor in the wet open maw 

of the Shape, before which I 
have fasted in bounty & bonny 
harvest; fasted in sacrifice, while 
others cunningly did feast.

But your devotion does not make
you the Shape; & as its guardian
you were right to refuse me 
& bite down as swiftly as you did; 

for having forgone all, with these 
hungry & treacherous hands 
I would have nicked & pawned 
its holy relics for cheap, 
so I could temporally eat.

Aleksander Zywicki is a first-year MFA candidate at The New School. He teaches AP English Literature in Bayonne, New Jersey. He lives & writes in Jersey City.


There is no consolation
like the enjoyment of music,
no greater cause for selfishness,
no better balm for the failure
of family than to break time;
remember, draw the sun
into the sea, forgo the bitter
business of seasons, abandon
all other appetites but to listen
with a handful of borrowed
dollars to the ice cream truck
play its tinny calliope tune
as it glides the seething
summer streets—we were
kids. Happiness was easy.

Aleksander Zywicki is a first-year MFA candidate at The New School. He teaches AP English Literature in Bayonne, New Jersey. He lives & writes in Jersey City. 

my grandmother, who, according to the family, didn’t understand, nor speak english, would gingerly announce, “olga is bad, very bad.” what is having a “command” or a language? a command is only an utterance of force. most important feelings and thoughts are expressed in sentences of five words or less. simple. exact. straight to the puncture. a gauge. 
when learning a new language it’s as though speaking into a telephone for the first time, hoping the voice transmits some sorts of meaning. practicing what and how one will say the intended phrase. over and over. it feels as though speaking into a void—hoping what comes out, holds body, holds shape. when the answer is received, it is blurred noise. a mumble. as though all the words were swallowed up by the world. when learning a new language, it is like speaking with one’s own self. when learning a new language, it is like screaming onto a well. into a wall. to find an echo, feedback. deflecting back sounds familiar. screaming again, hoping for the echo to return. 
with words in the form of tests, pass codes. only to reach a laberinto de mas palabras y mas codigos. where mass has no shape nor form. far reaching and boundless; amorphous beings. all of the places i once loved, lived, and remembered become one. extended through memorial space resembling one another. 
i dream of long winter nights. the ones in which the demons are out. relearning to be alone. only me and the broken pomegranate juice running down my hands. sticky mess all over the written pages. reconstructing language. its sticky, messy juices seeping through the cracks of my pores. maggie nelson says language is innately commanding. she read this in a book by barthes. i seek home within language. but all language seems obsolete. 

Born in Kiev, Ukraine, Olga works within the mediums of photography, text, and installation. Her focus is on memory, home, (dis)place, language, inheritance/loss and the disruptive. She currently resides in Olympia, WA, where she co-founded and co- curates Desuetude gallery.

(transparent latitudes of tenderness) 

i search for shadows 



of yours. 

in flagsgtaff. 

a town so brown in tint, it feels gray. graying with the dying sun of winter. 

disruptions pass through as trains. 

foolishly, i forget that omens brush up against cheeks and skin as reminders, factors of existence. 

you aren’t only a shadow. 

you are in chicago. a placeholder of my love, mischievous and tall. abandoned, as it was growing; retching postures onto pavement. 

i hope to approach from a return. again. 

you find bits of me there. scattered about the sidewalks, and the rainbo room. 

in a gas station bathroom behind a stall somewhere in the desert, someone of the maternal, beseeches a son to pee on his own. 

i think of you as child. 

your adolescence and infancy, with mom, dad aji granny. 

supporting roles and protagonists of a childhood of marble mornings. 

kitchadi smothered in mouth. warmth through blending of of fats and turmeric. 

an avenue to reconnection. love’s conduit. 

i wanted to kiss you, on the forehead on the stomach. eyelids. embracing all of you. 


scooping up all in my arms. 

your essence breathing. like a chest rises and falls. 

in the shrill delicacy of dawn… the strained winter sun.

Born in Kiev, Ukraine, Olga works within the mediums of photography, text, and installation. Her focus is on memory, home, (dis)place, language, inheritance/loss and the disruptive. She currently resides in Olympia, WA, where she co-founded and co- curates Desuetude gallery.

Photo by Olga Mikolaivna